
This website uses cookies. This website uses cookies. Cookies make the use of our website easy, quick and user-friendly.

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the user’s device when they visit a website. Cookies anonymously individualize a user’s visit to the website. They do not contain any personal data and they cannot be used to execute programs or transmit viruses to the user’s device.

What does Athensmed use cookies for?

We use cookies to provide the best possible user experience for you. We use Google Analytics to monitor the use of our website. We use Google Analytics to monitor the use of our website. The purpose of these monitoring activities is to obtain information on visitor volumes, popular pages and from which websites our visitors come from. They also provide us with information on potential problems with our website.

We use certain third-party tools and add-ons that are essential to the functionality of our service. Such tools include social media and video streaming service embedding solutions on the website as well as tools that enable liking and sharing content on social media platforms. Such third-party add-ons may also collect data on website visitors to facilitate content recommendations or the monitoring of visitor volumes, for example.

Deleting cookies

If you wish, you can prevent your browser from using cookies, delete previously stored cookies or request your browser to notify you of any new cookies. Preventing the use of cookies or deleting them may have a negative effect on certain features of our website.